

The Steinway & Sons Podcast

Soundboard: On Van Cliburn

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Steinway Immortal Van Cliburn and legacy of classical music in America


by Wayne Cliburn on
Wonderful story about Van Cliburn's impact for classical music in the experiences of so many in the USA and abroad. My Father, a distant relative, told us stories of Van's formative years, private things shared by the family's Nanny, and other aspects of his emerging fame arising from the Moscow competition. Your assessment of how Van viewed his own position among the Russians seems quite accurate. My violinist sister spent more time with Van than any of her siblings and was utterly impressed by his humility (of which there are many stories). My Dad - with no musical talent at all - was simply glad people knew how to spell his name as a result of Van's celebrity. It was said Van Cliburn's talent came from his Mother, whose own accomplishment and pedigree in piano was remarkable. However, totally unknown to family and admirers, was a distant connection to musical talent on his Father's side. Van had a Cliburn cousin who could play a multitude of orchestral instruments and even owned/conducted orchestra & bands performing in Louisiana and Mississippi. My Father, in his own family research, uncovered this link long after the cousin had died. Thank you for sharing your summary of Van Cliburn and his enduring impact on classical piano performance. Superbly done.

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Soundboard features conversations on artistry and craftsmanship between Ben Finane, Director of Content at Steinway & Sons, and distinguished pianists, musicians, artists, and creatives. Soundboard seeks out inspiration, hones in on the creative process, parses influences, and attempts to diagnose artistic greatness.

by Steinway & Sons


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